Social Media Experiment part 2.

So, with the week long experiment over, I have decided to continue the no social media use for the foreseeable future. Having spent time away from both Twitter and Instagram, I’ve realised how little it actually offers my life.

It helps to bridge the gap between doing something and doing nothing: in the sense, you’re mindlessly scrolling but you aren’t actually achieving anything – distracting, basically.

For a long time I was on Twitter under the guise I was “learning” and “keeping informed”. But, what did I learn? Other than the opinions of some qualified people and some not qualified people.. I didn’t learn anything. Keeping up with the addiction of needing to know wasn’t getting me anywhere, either. Only distracting me from being present in what I am doing.

My observations that I noted are as follows:

Day 1: screen time at 2pm – 1hr 9 mins. Occasional want for scrolling via Instagram but it stops when I see the app isn’t there. Battery usually close to dead by this time but at 50% still!

Screen time end of day 1- 3 hours 30 minutes. I saw zero inflammatory information and I found that my phone uses were for tangible purposes today as consciously seeking to use the phone for something productive. Also began reading “10 arguments to delete your social media accounts right now” and to be honest, if an initial creator of social media is stating that we should all delete our accounts now before we end up in hell, I think he’s worth at least considering. Especially with “the majority of Silicon Valley CEOs sending their kids to Waldorf schools” (which are anti technology).

Anyway. It’s 11pm, I’m going to finish my tea and head to bed. I look forward to day 2.

Day 2:

1200 – 2 hours screen time.

It’s easier to be more productive or do nothing.

Doing nothing quickly becomes boring so doing something productive then becomes the only option.

Another day of no inflammatory thoughts or negative reactions. A slight urge for the dopamine feedback loop but nothing over controlling to reinstate the carnage. A quote from the book – “the best way to escape the insanity of society is to delete social media” Jared Lanier.

I have found myself sending more pointless texts to friends to try and gain entertainment that is missing through social media

Usual desire for lunchtime scrolling is back and the want to see the purple camera of Instagram was high. Day 2 and no constant dopamine feedback loop is becoming a slight struggle. What do I think about? How do I entertain myself In my mind? The “lost” feeling ended by the time I got home which led to a much easier evening

Day 3: woke up early this morning, instead of wanting to look through social media, I looked at old pictures and reminisced on actual memories rather than got jealous about other people doing things.

Beginning to feel freer from my phone. It’s an asset not a time consuming constrain. Mental engagement has increased in individual tasks – no longer feel like I’m distracted by things as easily like NEEDING to check for an update. What am I going to miss? Some Instagram model uploading a picture of her ass? A fitness person uploading a workout… the world will still keep turning.

I’m studying for a nutrition course and I have just opened up onto a new module page – I have seen the course provider on Instagram repost people’s pictures of themselves studying and I tried to take the same photo for an app I’m not using. Interesting 🤔

Day 4: didn’t even realise I was missing it until a friend mentioned a new choice for the England rugby squad. Spent more time on emails and meaningful messages

Day 5: don’t even think about using it. Thoughts are way more collected – phone use is more productive: ie – learning about finance, investing and cryptos, etc. What trends on Twitter doesn’t matter anymore, it’s no longer a “big deal”. Daily “breaking news” – can you remember yesterday’s headline?

Far more peaceful/ free of trigger points – whether that be an opinion I disagree with or an inflammatory discussion about some new “woke” movement where the PC police decide what is right and wrong to say. Thoughts are free and Ungoverned

“I like the world again; far less chaos”

What happens in other countries etc doesn’t matter to me – it helps me to understand what I can and can’t control

Day 6: Saturday lunchtime- screen time 23 minutes. No need/ want or desire to get back to my phone

Enjoyed a phone free breakfast, talking with family and enjoying the moment, technology free. Interesting change in one week.

Absolutely no want to even browse Instagram and looking at family members on Instagram / Facebook mindlessly scrolling is a strange thing to consider normal

Not even a conscious thing on Sunday. Nothing to note as no thoughts about it. Screen time down 22% on the previous week. Still high but a lot better use of the phone

Overall, I think I have done well in 1 week. I have changed my use and don’t feel beholden to checking Instagram or Twitter every second. I will be continuing along this path for a bit longer to see what else I notice about the social media machines.

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