Basic productivity hacks

I’ve been thinking for a while how to become more productive and use my time a bit better. What can I implement to stop the same: “oh I wish I had time for that..” “I don’t know how they do it all..” etc etc. So, my three thoughts that I kept coming back to are…

Stop drinking.

A period of sobriety will not only make you feel better but you’ll also have more money, more time and more energy to get on with the things that truly matter; rather than trying to right the wrongs of the world, half cut – seeing double whilst sucking in your double chin and beer bloat.

Now, removing alcohol alone won’t be the saviour to your inconsistencies and your time wasting, but, it’ll give you a lot more opportunities. Early mornings, some evenings, etc. By filling your drinking time with productive time, you’ll achieve more and feel better about what you can accomplish – exercise, your ever growing to do list, etc.

Saturday will mark a month off the booze for me and I’ve been exercising better (more frequency and intensity) and reading more – so it does work – and just generally feeling better too but that’s not the point here.

Start exercising.

40 minutes of heart raising exercise, whether that be cardio or body weight exercises (sit ups, press ups, squats, etc) it’ll boost your endorphins, you’ll feel better once you’ve finished and any challenge that you need to take on will feel significantly more manageable. If you can, try and keep your exercise to the early morning, getting a positive action in first thing will only lead to move positivity throughout the day.


Plan what you want to do, what you want to achieve. A strict “To Do” list is important so you know what you need to get done and it can be empowering to visually see the list crumble as you plough through it in your hive of productivity.

Ideally, write your list the night before. That way you have set your intentions for the following day, read it when you first wake up to reaffirm those intentions and get it done, tick them off as you go and reflect in the evening about what you have achieved. By going to bed fulfilled, you’ll be more likely to want to have a good day again tomorrow – after that – positive routine becomes hard to break.

Let me know how you get on! 👊🏼

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